Saturday, January 5, 2008

Even more culture shock

I went to a market yesterday, called Carbon Market. The Lonely planet makes an obvious joke about that in regards to global warming. It is, of course, not a carbon market but rather an incredibly slummy produce market. It stank so much it was ridiculous, offensive smells I have never smelt before. Seems to have been a combination of rotting vegitables, excrement and massive amounts of air pollution. Yes, I am fresh out of Canada, but I even saw locals walking around with clothes over their mouths. And in the midst of it all people live in sqalid dirt floor shacks. It is very sad, though the people seemed fairly happy, many were enthusiastic to get their pictures taken. They would yell, "one shot, one shot," to get you to take a picture of them.

The little place I was staying at was also something of a prostitution house. Older white men would just hang around and them prostituted would show up. Made me scared to think about the bed I was sleeping on... uhhhhggg.

There is a fear factor episode in which people have to eat a boiled egg that has a fully developed embryo in it. Turns out that is a Philippine delicassy. I don't understand how someone could eat a whole duck embryo, but they chow down on it, eyes, feathers bones everything. There are certain things I won't eat and that is one of them. I know people might say, "don't knock it until you try it," but i'm going to have to knock that partcular thing right off.

Today I got a ride acros an island for three dollars in a motorcycle with a makeshift side carriage. The driver had to romive the coq to make room. He had just come from a coq fight, which apparently went in his favour, so I guess that little coq will avoid being supper for a while, until he loses anyway.

I am wondering if all this will become 'normal' at some point, but i'm not sure that it will.


Anonymous said...

Yikes, the egg delicacy does sound a tad nasty. Also, I discovered while backpacking that it never pays to think about who slept in your bed before you. One's imagination is a powerful thing!!

Anonymous said...

I would first like to point out that I don't remember you leaving a comment on MY travel blog but I am going to let that slide because I am a big man.

It does sound like a hell of a lot of culture shock thus far. I am surprised you did not sleep on the plane. Having just come off a 12 hour traveling day to Mexico, I can agree with the waiting part.

Sorry to hear that the Philippines is so depressing thus far. It sounds pretty interesting and makes you think about the world in different ways! We have really been enjoying your photos! Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

Happy to hear that you took the time to get away. Can't wait to hear more about your edventures. Have fun and take good care!
